Let's Not Forget That Vanderpump Rules' Lala Kent Drinks Nightly From a Baby Bottle


As we rush into our weekend, a much needed time of leisure, it’s easy to forget all the things that troubled us throughout the week. Typically, this is a good thing, but it’s still important to remember that just because you’ve slowed down doesn’t mean the world has. Wars continue to rage, the oceans are dying, and Lala Kent from Vanderpump Rules needs her bubba.

As any Vanderpump Rules fan can tell you, every now and then the show will air a scene that’s so haunting you can’t shake it for days, weeks, or maybe ever. Lala’s daily affirmations, for example. Or the time James convinces Kristen that he did not cheat on her when he most certainly did. And what about the infamous sketch comedy fight that left a nation asking, …what???

Tuesday’s episode included one such moment that was so puzzling, so harrowing that it feels worth mentioning several days later. It’s Lala preparing herself her nightly baby bottle on the SUR staff’s vacation to Mexico.

To have Lala explain it, “I’m on a very low dose of my anti anxiety medication, so when I do feel like my heart’s beating a little fast, I need my bubba [editor’s note: not to be confused with Tom and Katie’s sickening nicknames for each other.] with a little warm milk and honey in it. It soothes me, like I’m a baby.”

Yes, like she’s a baby. And who are we to deny this grown woman her harmless albeit totally bonkers soothing mechanism? We are no one, I say, as my worldview has once again been shaken by a cast member of Vanderpump Rules. Besides, in these scary times, don’t we all have a bubba? Mine, for example, is this perfect show.

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