Kelly Bensimon Has Twitter Meltdown


Today in Tweet Beat, Kelly Bensimon posts a series of nonsensical Tweets after getting upset over how she came off on last night’s episode of Real Housewives. Plus, Katy Perry’s sweet shoes.

i wish they’d let the film roll,not edit and have no narration. you see a storyline and not reality. we work hard to entertain. enjoy it.less than a minute ago via web

Kelly K. Bensimon

@kikilet Editing on RealityTV shows parts of our lives out of context.But over 2 or 3 years not so much? In time the real is seen goodorbad.less than a minute ago via web

Simon van Kempen

now i know how nancy kerrigan felt. that’s insight into the “SCAREY ISLAND” you have no clue what really went down.less than a minute ago via web

Kelly K. Bensimon

Haters I cannot comment on “storylines”. Keep it real, for me. Bad acting does not equal real. Ugh.less than a minute ago via txt

Kelly K. Bensimon

1979 feelings are ‘fake’ feelings. #rhnyc are discussing “storyline” feelings. Would you have a friend like these women?less than a minute ago via web

Kelly K. Bensimon

Anyone that blames me, needs to look at themselves. Would u ever exploit a family member’s death for ratings? Think twice, then tweet.less than a minute ago via txt

Kelly K. Bensimon

lets make”CREEPY” teeshirts. everyone knows someone who does something creepy. lets make them and sell them for charity. do it.less than a minute ago via web

Kelly K. Bensimon

if you’re creepy I bet I won’t like youless than a minute ago via web

Amanda Bynes

What does THIS remind you of?! than a minute ago via Twitpic

Katy Perry

Someone asked me why do I always show my left hand when I take pics of myself. Ummm maybe because I’m right handed you idiot!less than a minute ago via TweetGenius

Khloe Kardashian

had dinner w/axle the other night- watching g n’ r on youtube now- fu**, best rock and roll band of my generation!less than a minute ago via web

John Stamos

@JohnStamos yes they are!!less than a minute ago via Tweetie

Denise Richards

I would recommend the Colace brand to anyone looking for a good stool softener.less than a minute ago via web

Rivers Cuomo

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