Wheel of Fortune Contestant Has Absolutely No Idea What She's Doing, Still Wins Show


If ever there was proof that a benevolent being exists in the sky to make sure good things happen to (probably) good people, it’s this video from Tuesday night’s episode of Wheel of Fortune. That’s because despite having no idea what the hell she was doing, Nura Fountano still won the game. Was she trolling everyone or did she just get nervous (and lucky) on TV?

Uproxx reports that during the game’s speed-up round, Fountano kept calling out the most random letters she could think of, despite the fact that it was clear that consonants like “z” and “x” didn’t belong in the puzzle.

When Sajak talked to Fountano about her choices (which even he was surprised by), she told him she called what she saw in the puzzle. Wonder how that works out in her personal day-to-day life. Is she just one of those people that bumbles into success?

Uproxx suggests Fontano might have been employing a strategy to throw off her opponents, but what I see is a person who just doesn’t do as well under pressure as she might have hoped. Congrats on the win, though.

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