War Machine Wants to Take a Lie Detector Test, Judge Is Like, Nah


In 2014, War Machine (birth name: Jonathan Koppenhaver) physically and sexually assaulted his former girlfriend Christy Mack and violently assaulted her friend Corey Thomas when he broke into Mack’s house and found the two together. He’s currently in jail awaiting trial on 34 counts, including attempted murder. Now, he wants to take a polygraph to prove that he didn’t want to kill anyone. That won’t be happening.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, War Machine’s lawyer tried to get the attempted murder charges–which carry a possible penalty of life in prison–thrown out because his lawyer claims War Machine never intended to kill either Mack or Thomas (although the police documents suggest otherwise, what with all the strangling and beating that was going on). And while his lawyer was arguing on his behalf, War Machine—who we all remember viewed Mack as “his property” and went into hiding after the assault—broke in and demanded to be given a polygraph test (which is both useless and inadmissible in court proceedings as per War Machine’s own lawyer) to prove that he didn’t mean to kill anyone on the night he almost killed Mack and Thomas. District Judge Elissa Cadish wasn’t interested in any of that. In fact, in the above video, you can almost hear her snort as she tells War Machine that she “doesn’t care” what he wants before refusing to throw out any charges against him. You can see the full interaction, including the judge’s explanation of why she’s going to consider War Machine’s incomplete strangulation of Thomas as attempted murder, here.

War Machine’s trial will begin in September and he will remain in jail until then.

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