This (True) Scary Story Will Make You Think Twice About Investigating That Strange Noise Outside in the Dark

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Being cooped up in a 1-bedroom NYC apartment with all the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, I’m counting down the (infinite) days until covid-19 is no longer threatening our existence. Only then can I book a flight to the west coast for some much needed, good ol’ fashioned escapism. I wouldn’t mind checking out the mountains, getting my camping on in some state parks, or even signing up for a small desert retreat in the middle of nowhere.

But after watching allisonmeow’s “Call of the Drum,” I’ll think twice about that last one. Especially if, in that vast expanse of sand that stretches for miles and miles, I start feeling like someone’s watching me. Or if I hear a voice at night telling me not to go outside. Yeah… You know, I think I can tough it out in my shoebox apartment for a little longer after all.

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