Take Me Now, God: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Host the Golden Globes


Or actually, wait until after January 13th, because that’s the day when the Only Women Who Understand Us, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, are set to host the Golden Globes! How great is that? It’s so great that I’m currently struggling very hard to not write exclusively in all caps and exclamation marks. If I had my way, this entire post would read like so:


Alas, this site doesn’t support my custom freak-out characters and so for now, the boring-ass latin alphabet will have to suffice.

Entertainment Weekly reports:

“Having both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler on board to host this year’s festivities is a major coup,” said Paul Telegdy, NBC’s president of alternative and late night. “Tina and Amy have a proven chemistry and comedic timing from their many years together on SNL to their successful co-starring roles in Baby Mama.”

Yes! You know they’re going to kill it. What will they wear?! I hope they each wear a million outfits and multiple wigs and maybe also, cancel the actual awards and just be funny on stage together for the entire evening. Can we petition for this? Fuck an award, let’s get our laugh on! Man, I hope they perform at least three Colonel Angus sketches, that’s all I ask for. After that, I’m all yours, God — I’ll be flossing my throwback Nike Decades and drinking brand-name Kool-Aid on January 14th, can’t wait.

Tina Fey, Amy Poehler to host Golden Globes [Entertainment Weekly]

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