Monks Just Want to Have Fun (That's All They Really Want)


Jerusalem saw snow for the first time since the 1990s last Thursday, so some Franciscan monks, delighted by the unexpected snow took a break from their vows of chastity and piety in order to go outside for a few hours and just lob a few friendly snowballs at the heads of the monks they don’t like.

Of course there’s no way I can prove that the adult men, who are probably all very nice, were throwing snowballs at the heads of their mortal enemies, but a part of me loves the fantasy of two monks hating each other and yet having to live side-by-side in harmony, only allowed to get their aggression out when it snows, and even then, in the most fun way possible.

Or these monks could just be having a really good time and not caring about getting home late in the morning sun. (Because monks just want to have fun.) (I am so sorry.)

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