Michael Williams, Creator of the Idiotic 'Deportation Bus,' Is Now in Jail 


In May 2018, Georgia state senator Michael Williams tried and failed to draw attention to his doomed gubernatorial campaign in a “deportation bus,” which was a school bus rigged to look like a prison transport vehicle and warned of “murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters, and other dangerous criminals on board.” Well, now he gets to check on the accuracy of his rendition because he’s been indicted on charges of insurance fraud.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the same mind that conceived of the bigotry express also planned a heist that involved falsely reporting stolen $300k worth of computer servers that were “being used to mine cryptocurrency.” While the indictment against Williams doesn’t say what happened to the servers, it does assert that he made a false claim to insurance agents. He turned himself in to Hall County jail on December 26.

Williams came in fifth out of five in a real shit show of a race riddled with racist robocalls, voter purging, and incoming governor Brian Kemp’s campaign ads offering to use his own pickup truck as a stand-in for the busted deportation bus.

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