Joe Francis' Girlfriend Pregnant With Genetically-Modified Twin Girls


In what is one of the creepiest and most disturbing pregnancy announcements of all time, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis and his girlfriend Abbey Wilson said they opted for IVF because they wanted to choose the sex of their babies so that people will finally just fucking get it already that he “loves, respects and admires” females.

For real.

“We chose to have girls. I believe people will finally understand my love, respect and admiration for women. I love girls.”


There was no implication in the couple’s statement that Wilson, who is only 26, could not get pregnant naturally. Instead, she said that, along with choosing the sex of their babies, they also decided to go with IVF because “we wanted them to be healthy and free of genetic diseases.”

The couple didn’t say when Wilson is due, but there is already speculation that each infant will receive a Girls Gone Wild T-shirt upon arrival.

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