Girl Takes Sticks From Yosemite, Mails Them Back With Adorable Apology


Here’s some very cute news to make your Friday more tolerable.

Evie, a certified Yosemite Junior Ranger, which is quite possibly the best thing any person can be, accidentally returned home from a recent trip to the park with two sticks from the wild. You can imagine her horror at discovering these two errant pieces of bark in her knapsack. Or maybe she stole them and the whole thing is an act?? It’s also a possibility that the sticks were just taking a breather from filming their Pixar short about two sticks in Yosemite who just want to make a fire (or something equally heartbreaking). The possibilities, they are endless. (But, let us be real, she probably just forgot about them.)

Nevertheless, young Evie blamed herself, and overwhelmed with regret, she penned a letter to park rangers. In the note, she expresses her remorse, and asks for the sticks to be returned to their rightful home: nature.

The ranger is now going to take pictures of the sticks roaming around Yosemite, like the Travelocity gnome, only less creepy. One day soon when Evie returns to the park, hopefully she’ll get to hang with her sticks on half-dome.

[Reddit via SFist]

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