An Archaic Sexist Is in Charge of the Tokyo Olympics and Things Are Going As Well As You Might Imagine

An Archaic Sexist Is in Charge of the Tokyo Olympics and Things Are Going As Well As You Might Imagine
Image:Kim Kyung-Hoon (Getty Images)

In the before times, athletes from different nations would gather in a single place to compete for national supremacy and Wheaties endorsements, in an event called the Olympics, scheduled to take place in 2020 in Tokyo. But Tokyo2020 never came to pass and has been relegated instead to Tokyo2021, which is not as visually appealing on merch. But the International Olympic Committee was, like the rest of us, naive about what 2021 would look like and now the idea of Tokyo hosting an Olympics this year still seems untenable. Not just because the coronavirus rages on, but also because apparently, the Tokyo Olympics are being headed by an tiresome sexist.

During a board of trustees meeting with the Japanese Olympic Committee, Tokyo Olympics Chief Yoshiro Mori shared his thoughts on the loquaciousness of women saying, “If we increase the number of female board members, we have to make sure their speaking time is restricted somewhat, they have difficulty finishing, which is annoying,” Reuters reports. What a fancy way to state bitches be yappin’.

Mori addressed his remarks in a follow-up press conference, where he started a pseudo-apology, but that was just an opportunity to double down on his sentiments. “My remarks went against the spirit of the Olympics and Paralympics and were inappropriate. For that, I feel deep remorse and I would like to retract my remarks,” he began. But after a gentle follow-up from a reporter, who asked if he thought women talked too much, Mori answered, “I don’t listen to women lately so I don’t really know.”

There have been calls for Mori to resign from his post however many of them are from women and thus he has not heard them and has no plans to resign.

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