Your Afternoon Cry: Blind, Deaf Wheelchair Dog Deserves All The Ramps


Oh fuck, oh fuuuuuuuck. This is 1-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback Dunkin, who was found wandering the streets of Alabama. Got overactive tear ducts? Stop reading.

His belly was full of nails and he was unable to hear or see due to birth defects. Rescuers suspect Dunkin was used as a bait dog before being disposed of like garbage. He immediately underwent surgery to remove the nails from his stomach, but it was only the beginning of his incredible journey of recovery. His stomach cleared, Dunkin required more surgery to prevent further damage to his eyes. Neurological testing revealed that Dunkin suffers from damage that requires him to use a wheelchair to get around.
He is also plagued with a degenerative disease that will probably cut his life shorter than the lives of most other dogs.
And Dunkin is only a year old.

Thanks to crowdsourcing, Dunkin was able to find a permanent home in New York and have his medical bills paid. Here is his Facebook. I can’t.

[via Dogster]

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