​You Don't Need to Ban 'Bossy' — You Need to Take Away Its Power

​You Don't Need to Ban 'Bossy' — You Need to Take Away Its Power

The word bossy is not a bad word as words go. It can even be kinda great. It’s when someone is aggressive to get shit done. Anyone can be
bossy — go ahead and tell me you’ve never met a bossy guy without a title in
sight. But you don’t need a study to tell you this is a word usually reserved
for women who give orders, who are more likely to be perceived as out of line
or unfeminine when they demand anything. See bossy’s bitchy sister,
“nag.” But there’s only one problem with this word: The people who
use it incorrectly.

That’s right: The problem with bossy is that some people are
full of gender bias and uncomfortable with women in leadership roles, and they
are dino-fucking-saurs, these people who use it only for women when it should
be applied to men and women! Let’s ban them instead.

I’m kidding. Well, only sorta. But consider this: “Ban Bossy” is a campaign
led by a trio of mad-powerful bosses who very well may have been bossy as
children, and that is a good thing: Lean In/Facebook exec/billionaire Sheryl
Sandberg, noted formidable political powerhouse Condoleezza
Rice (so powerful she has TWO Z’s IN HER NAME) and Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Chávez. These ladies are a thousand percent correct
and smarter than everyone when they say that, yes, there’s a reason it’s harder
for women to climb to the top, and that reason is loads of hot bias, and the
result is that women are only five percent of CEOs of Fortune 500’s, and that
hasn’t changed in a decade, and it needs to, pronto. And yes, this is a lifelong problem for women, being told they don’t belong at the top with all the $$. From Lindy’s first report on the campaign:

“Ban Bossy,” which they announced
, is a call for people to strike the “bossy”
descriptor from their vocabularies. Sandberg, Rice, and Chávez argue that the
word is more pejorative than people realize—especially because it’s tacked on
to women to snub them, while men are just praised as “bosses.”

According to Sandberg, Rice, and
Chávez, the problem isn’t just that women and young girls’ feelings are hurt by
the wordage. It’s that they’re often discouraged enough by it that they don’t
speak up or assume leadership roles they’d succeed in. And that hurts
everyone—men and women alike.

But reading about the backgrounds of Sandberg, Rice, and
Chavez, you see a noteworthy lack of effective discouragement. In an interview
over at Parade
, we learn that
when a ninth-grade Sandberg was told she was too aggressive and bossy by a
faculty adviser, that, like a straight boss, she ignored it.

Rice, too, had parents who elected her “president of

I would call meetings where we’d decide things like
what color to paint the living room. As I got older, I realized that what my
parents were doing was sending messages about leadership

Chavez had a unique upbringing that subverted
traditional gender training, too:

“Instead of teaching me how to cook, my mother
taught my brothers
how to cook, and me how to run a board meeting.”

And when I read that, all I think is, EXACTLY. This
is how to raise leaders! Screw the words, raise the ladies right! The answer to mitigating discouragement in girls is to raise women to not give a fuck
about those words, to not be capable of being tripped up by some mega-tool with a
bad vocab. To teach them that hearing words like that is the first sign of gender
bias, which ought to signal them to go full steam the fuck ahead away from that person. It’s called spite, people, and it is a glorious, marvelous motivator.

The reason that bossy didn’t trip these women up is
that they clearly saw that such terms didn’t really mean anything, didn’t
really apply to them, that there would be people who would stand in their way,
and they would have to look past them. I’m not
suggesting this is ideal — I would love it if I never saw another study showing
that, for many people, the very concept of leadership is still incompatible
with femaleness. But I’m not gonna listen to that shit. And I’m just not sure this is the way to combat it — and that’s even accepting both that bossy can be a negative, and that women, perceived as less
competent, must sometimes act even more aggressively to get any respect in the first place.

Because ultimately, “Ban Bossy” is censorship with
the best intentions, and what I think it disguises is the deeper, more
insidious problems about gender in this country that can’t be fixed with the
nix of a word. Historically, words change when attitudes change. And yes, sometimes we do need our hands held through new language, especially when it comes to uncharted territory, like transgender language. (This is, it
should be noted, very different than campaigns which seek to ban hate speech or
words which define a disadvantaged group by reducing their entire existence and
identity to a perceived handicap, such as “retard” — a taunt I support ending.)

Certainly, regardless of whether you think a ban is useful or pointless, having this conversation about bossy is a good
thing, because it forces us to keep acknowledging that words have power, and to examine
how we use them, and recognize the impact they can have over a lifetime. It draws
attention to the bad rap women get when they attempt to lead. (Alas, I suppose “Retire
Bossy” isn’t quite so snappy, nor is “Please Use Bossy Correctly and
Unilaterally.”) But language reflects values and attitudes, and those are what must change here.

Still, Sandberg has friends in high places. Many celebrities are adding credence to the Ban Bossy cause. Like
Chelsea Clinton, daughter of noted bossy badass, who gave Sandberg a shout-out
at SXSW:

And others, like
Jennifer Garner and Jane Lynch and Beyonce
have participated in the
campaign with videos and support. There’s also backlash from men and women who suggest there are worse
things to be called than bossy
, and then there’s this portion of the
dreadfully retrograde Anthony and Opie talk radio show, who are in
that it sucks that you can’t call women other stuff as it is
anymore, like twat and cunt, so losing bossy is a mega bummer. Also, upon learning that Beyonce is in on the campaign,
they say, “Fuck Beyonce.” Good luck getting through three minutes of

Which reminds me: There’s something else these very powerful
ambitious women could do: Reclaim the word. Embrace it. Stand together and say,
“We’re Bossy — What of it?” Because it’s true, and not always a
bad thing, and in a sense, that’s already happening.

Tina Fey embraced the image of a nagging, bossy woman in
charge in her book of essays Bossypants.
Kelis celebrated being bossy in her video with Too Short, “Bossy,” back
in 2006, with lyrics such as, ” You don’t have to love me/ You don’t
even have to like me /But you will respect me/You know why?/ Cuz I’m a boss!”

The self-described “bitch you love to hate/chick who
raised the stakes” doesn’t give a fuck what anyone calls her, because
she’s self-motivated, she’s ambitious, and she’s unapologetic. Bossy women get
shit done. Amy Poehler once said, ” I just
love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a
pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and
ambitious and doesn’t mind leading.”

I agree that language shapes consciousness, but again, I
would much rather see these women say something even more powerful: “Being called ‘bossy’ didn’t stop
me. Don’t let it stop you.”

I also have a daughter. I want all the things for
her that she could want. I’m well aware that encouraging leadership in her
could come with negative connotations. But I can’t make other people not use
the word bossy to describe her. What I can do is tell her it’s not her they are
talking about, it’s them. If you’re bossy, be bossy. And let all the dinosaurs shout all
the names they like directly into the deafening roar of your trail of dust.

Image by Jim Cooke.

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