Would You Give Up Sex For Your Cell Phone?


We all know people can’t bear to be separated from their precious smartphones, but a new poll set out to discover exactly how much we love them. Would you give up basic necessities to keep your phone? Reject romantic partners who can’t understand your passion for the phone? Bite off a dude’s finger when he tries to destroy your phone, even if it’s kind of for your own good because things are getting way out of hand? It’s time to look deep inside yourself for the answers.

A survey conducted by TeleNav found that a majority of Americans would be willing to give up alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, and exercise for a week rather than their mobile phones, and about a third would even go a week without sex. You can check out the specific percentages in this handy infographic created by Mashable. Honestly, we’re most shocked that 46% would give up their phones for exercise, as some of us have prioritized playing another round of Angry Birds over working out for a few weeks now.

Unsurprisingly, those with craptastic basic phones (apparently the correct term is “feature phones”) aren’t as addicted to their devices as smartphone users. When asked if they’d give up television or showering for a week rather than their phones, smartphone owners were twice as likely to keep their device. Supposedly feature phone users have better manners because only 6% regularly whip out their phones at the dinner table compared to 26% of smartphone users. This is is probably due more to the feature phone’s lack of apps, as spelling out “boobs” on your phone’s calculator during dinner gets old pretty fast.

The study also reveals that in a few short years when they start grafting smartphones to people’s arms, iPhone users will be first in line. Compared to Android and BlackBerry users, iPhone users were much more likely to go shoeless for a week, give up their toothbrush, and go a week without seeing their significant other, just to maintain access to Facetime and iTunes. They also believe iPhone users make better lovers:

While a strong majority of iPhone users (83%) thought other iPhone users would make the best romantic partners, and a strong majority of Android users (70%) selected other Android users, only 48% of BlackBerry users thought other BlackBerry users would make for the best romantic partners.

Sorry non-iPhone users, but not everyone’s worthy of a lover who texts through dinner and is totally up for ignoring their partner for a week.

Survey Finds One-Third of Americans More Willing to Give Up Sex Than Their Mobile Phones [TeleNav]
Survey: Cellphones vs. Sex – Which Wins? [INFOGRAPHIC] [Mashable]

Image via Milan Vasicek/Shutterstock.

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