Woman's Face Catches Fire During Otherwise Uneventful Surgery


When you have surgery you might be concerned about going under or the procedure itself, but don’t forget to freak out about the possibility that your face might suddenly go up in flames. In a horrifying story out of Florida, 29-year-old Kim Grice was undergoing outpatient surgery to have three cysts on her head biopsied when a fire erupted on her face. Grice was flown by helicopter to the South Alabama Burn Unit and has suffered second-degree burns on her face and neck. The fire department described the incident as a “flash fire” and hospital officials have no idea what caused it, though malfunctioning electrical equipment could be to blame. Grice told her mom, “They woke me up and every one around me was hysterical. I don’t know what happened to me.”

Image via Dmitriy Shironosov/Shutterstock.

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