WI Republicans Want to Ban Junk Food and Drug Test Welfare Users


In Wisconsin, state assembly members are trying to limit the amount of junk food public aid recipients can buy as well as enforcing mandatory drug screenings. In other news, only wealthy and middle class people deserve the high only a snack that’s bad for you can give.

The measures are sponsored by Wisconsin Republicans and still have to pass the state senate, which has turned down junk food restrictions before, according to the Associated Press. Not to mention drug testing and installing food stamp tracking devices in grocery stores cost the state money few lawmakers want to spend. But state Republicans are trying to spin this push as just an attempt to help out, you know, and get welfare users hired.

“With help from the government comes responsibility,” said Assembly Speaker Robin Vos in a news conference prior to debate.

As part of another complimentary measure, Wisconsin welfare recipients will also have to take a drug test to be eligible for the Wisconsin Works, some unemployment benefits and to essentially receive food stamps. First, recipients would have to fill out a questionnaire about their drug use, be forced to undergo testing if they are determined to be an abuser and enter state-sponsored treatment to regain their eligibility if they fail—because they will have lost their food stamps. It’s all very Governor Scott Walker-ish.

A similar law in Florida was deemed unconstitutional and Georgia tried something like this but stalled the measure to require those on public assistance to undergo drug testing to make sure the practice was actually legal. It actually costs a hell of a lot more money than it actually saves.

God bless America, where if you’re too poor to buy food, politicians will fashion as many hoops as possible to make your groceries, few as they are, nearly impossible to reach.

Image via Shutterstock.

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