Weather Nearly Ruins Awesome Girl Scout Sleepover With Michelle Obama


On Tuesday night, a gaggle of Girl Scouts were enjoying the ultimate slumber party with First Lady Michelle Obama on the White House lawn when persnickety weather nearly ruined their plans and tents.

Fifty fourth graders from Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, the District of Columbia and Oklahoma met Mrs. Obama on her lawn to hang out and celebrate the National Park Service’s 100 year anniversary. President Obama even stopped by the girls’ party but was rebuffed because, ew boys.

“What are you guys doing in my yard?” he said according to the AP, before taking a seat on a hay bale. “When did you guys show up here?”

The lucky Girl Scouts are the first to have this type of event at the White House.

“This is something you can tell your kids and your grandkids,” said Mrs. Obama, who appeared giddy with excitement as she pointed to the celebrated white building looming above rows of carefully arranged blue and white tents. “Do you understand the impact, the importance of this moment, today? It’s exciting.”

Along with the FLOTUS and POTUS, the girls sang songs and looked at the stars under the guidance of NASA scientists and astronaut Cady Coleman. Later that night when heavy rain and thunder began, the Girl Scouts had to pack up and move their party into a conference room adjacent to the White House so they weren’t washed away.

Ironically, the FLOTUS wasn’t a Girl Scout as a child, but she’s into it now. Well, parts of it.

“I don’t know anything. I don’t know how to tie a knot. I don’t know how to pitch a tent,” she said, before drawing a proverbial line against one of their activities. “I’m definitely not climbing that wall.”

Next time can Jezebel come, FLOTUS?

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty.

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