Vice President Kamala Harris Calls Mass Exodus of Women From the Workplace a 'National Emergency,' Which It Is

Vice President Kamala Harris Calls Mass Exodus of Women From the Workplace a 'National Emergency,' Which It Is

In a virtual roundtable with members of Congress and women’s advocacy groups, Vice President Harris addressed the astonishing amount of women who have left or been pushed out of the workplace as a result of the pandemic. “Some 2.5 million women dropped out of the labor force during the pandemic, compared to 1.8 million men,” according to a report from Reuters, with racial minorities being hit the hardest across both categories. Harris stated that without women, the “economy cannot fully recover” and confirmed that women leaving the work place was and should be treated as a national emergency.

“Women leaving the workforce in these numbers is a national emergency and it demands a national solution,” she said before launching into the Biden administration’s proposal to remedy the situation. The Washington Post reports, “the Biden administration has outlined several elements that officials say will ease the burden on unemployed and working women, including $3,000 in tax credits issued to families for each child, and a $40 billion investment in child care assistance, and an extension of unemployment benefits.” If you happen to be an unemployed woman without a child well then tough titties, innit. Keep on holding for someone at the unemployment office.

One of the other elements Harris mentioned as an aid for women is the supposed $1,400 checks Biden’s American Rescue Plan promises to give us at some point but not right now and certainly not at the amount of $2000 which would be a lot more helpful, Joseph Robinette. The Rescue Plan, however, is not a favorite of Republican lawmakers forcing unemployed desperate Americans into another unnecessary game of wait and see.

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