Crappy Tweets From the Deranged Sorority Girl's Deleted Twitter Account


Rebecca Martinson, the now-infamous deranged sorority girl who told her Delta Gamma sisters at the University of Maryland chapter that they were “LITERALLY” being “so fucking AWKWARD” and “so fucking BORING” is no stranger to testing out excitingly edgy insults; her Twitter account, unfortunately deleted earlier today, contained many a politically insensitive gem. We screen-capped some highlights.

On Mexicans: “One of the perks of going to class ugly is that the Mexicans working along the sidewalk don’t try to talk to me #fug4thewin #nottryinghard”

On the resilience of the elderly: “Old people everywhere”

On how awesome she is (was?) at being a sorority girl: “It’s gotten to the point where I have trouble talking to people not in greek life because I have no idea what they do with their spare time”

Other musings that we didn’t manage to screen-cap but copy/pasted before she deleted:

On Hellen Keller (and Greek philosophy): “I might as well be Helen Keller because I have NO idea what’s going on in this class right now #plato‬”

On LGBT rights: “Why am I not surprised that the girl w/ a pink mohawk and cargo pants is talking about LGBT rights when it doesn’t even apply to this class”

Some of Rebecca’s sorority sisters tweeted about her diatribe before it went viral today. “Dying at @becca_martie’s email #onpoint,” one tweeted — maybe she isn’t as “fucking AWKWARD” as the rest of the gang.

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