Trump's War on Abortion Goes Global

Trump's War on Abortion Goes Global
Photo:Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images (Getty Images)

The Trump administration’s aggressive push to restrict federal aid for abortion continues to go global, pushing for new policies that will restrict health funding across the world.

CNN reports that on Monday that the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration published a proposed rule to extend the “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” policy. The policy, which already applies to grants and agreements between the U.S. and foreign organizations, now requires that those organizations with funding through the U.S. government via contracts can not provide or promote abortions, the Hill reports. Those that continue to do so could lose that crucial funding, which amounts to nearly $12 billion.

The extension of the policy takes the Trump administration’s war on abortion on step further following his reinstatement of the Reagan-era Mexico City Policy in 2017, which barred international organizations from performing or promoting abortion using U.S. funding. Though Trump’s reinstatement of the global gag rule led to the closure of numerous women’s health clinics, as well as higher rates of STIs and unsafe abortions, the administration remains committed to expanding its reach. Their commitment to limiting reproductive care is reflected in the administration’s domestic abortion policies as well. In the past few months, Trump has hammered down their dedication to anti-abortion policies and rhetoric, attempting to pass restrictive legislation regarding access in Maryland and enlisting anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson for the Republican National Convention.

This latest announcement, now subject to a 60 day comment period, will no doubt enthuse Trump’s vocal and loyal anti-abortion base.

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