True Grit Asks A Lot Of Its Red Carpet


The ‘True Grit’ premiere was appropriately named: it took place in below-freezing weather. But the stars brazened it out.

Jeff Bridges and family, sweet as can be…and wife Susan is kind of rocking nanny chic!

Hailee Steinfeld must be chilly, but she looks cute, youthful and like she’s not trying too hard.

Not only is Celia Weston a terrific character actor, she has the air — and dress sense — of your favorite crazy aunt who makes holidays interesting.

Y’know how we’ve been talking about staying chic in cold weather? Sometimes, like Holly Hunter, you just have to dress for warmth and damn the torpedoes.

Virginal white or no, Natalie Gal‘s moved beyond “sexyface” into straight-up “boudoir photography.” Seriously, in every picture.

While a square neck’s not an easy maternity shape, Gretchen Mol is definitely demonstrating the ever-more-common bump chic. Ugh, I can’t believe I used that phrase. Apologies.

Carla Gugino always has such an unforced, retro-glam vibe.

A be-maned Matt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso, striking in classic crimson. But man, I can almost feel the goosebumps. He should really be a gentleman and give her his jacket.

[Images via Getty]

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