This New TLC Show Is Making My Vagina Hurt

This New TLC Show Is Making My Vagina Hurt

In the grand tradition of over a decade’s worth of TLC programming, another massive family is getting the network’s reality TV treatment. Here’s the gimmick this time around: They’re a Black family of multiple multiples—all conceived naturally—with another set of multiples on the way. Meet the Derricos, the most fertile couple in the United States.

Doubling Down With the Derricos follows Karen and Deon Derrico as they await the birth of their triplets, which would round out their small army of a family out to a very chill 14. Their children range from ages 2 to 14 years old and include two sets of twins and quintuplets.

“Having four sets of multiples back to back? It’s like getting struck by lightning while getting struck by lightning,” Deon says in the show’s trailer. “Many parents know with just one child, two children, it’s a job. But when you have 14—soon-to-be 14—it’s a job.”

Karen—who has been pregnant six times—says, “We have our good days and our bad days. [But] there’s always enough love.”

To up the drama, the trailer highlights the anxiety surrounding Karen’s pregnancy and labor. All in all, however, it appears as if Doubling Down With the Derricos is largely lighthearted fare. My dad is one of 15, and watching this trailer offers a snippet into the chaos that must have ensued for my grandmother (sans camera crew, and a lot more chores). But above all else, this show is making my vagina hurt. Fourteen kids? You do you, Karen Derrico, but damn…

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