The Weinstein Lawsuits Will Never End

The Weinstein Lawsuits Will Never End

Harvey Weinstein continues to be a plague that can never be cured or purged out of human society. The longtime producer and alleged predator is now being accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl, according to a report by The Hollywood Reporter. Kaja Sokola, a Polish model, alleges that in 2002 Weinstein “terrified and sexually abused” her after claiming he had in interest in helping the model with her acting career.

In light of a possible $25 million settlement with 30 accusers—which will not require him to admit wrongdoing—this latest claim would fall outside of the current lawsuit. Lawyers for Sokola say that the proposed settlement contains “offensive and one-sided terms” and hope that the filing of this new complaint will encourage other alleged victims to continue to hold Weinstein accountable for his actions. Sokola is also suing Bob Weinstein, Miramax, and Disney for negligence, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

While accountability is the ultimate goal, the depth of the Weinstein case raises questions about what responsibility looks like for someone who has been accused of atrocious acts, over the course of decades. Is it possible for a man whose films will continue to be viewed, who will continue to be lauded for his work, and who will most likely buy his way out of the spotlight, to receive an acceptable form of justice? Even with his now-bankrupt company, Harvey Weinstein may still be too big to be taken down entirely. (The current proposed settlement will put a huge dent into his net worth, but allow Weinstein to avoid admitting to wrongdoing.)

On the other hand, as unappealing as Sokola’s lawyers might find the idea of a settlement, these survivors have a right to move on with their lives if they so choose. The dollar amount, while potentially insulting, doesn’t devalue their claim or their experiences—it simply provides a means to the end of a nightmare they’ve had to live over and over in front of the entire country.

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