The Website Porn for Women Isn't Really Porn But It Is Hot Dudes


Sarah Gidick started the Instagram account Porn for Women to repost photos of hot famous dudes like Tom Hardy and Ryan Gosling and ended up with over 80,000 followers. Since that was popular, she decided to expand her brand: she’s now setting up shoots herself for her new site The PFW.

“A blog for women about hot men,” The PFW thus far features several very handsome, very stylish men (though none are nearly as famous as Ryan Gosling). On the site, Gidick says she was inspired to take this career path because of people like filmmaker Casey Neistat and Martha Stewart:

Her brand promotes things in every day life that make people feel good. Food, comfort, beauty, and health represent the good things in life. Why wouldn’t any one want to work for a company that educates on these values?
You can put yourself into a shame spiral worrying about sounding lame about your dreams, or you can just own it. I own it. I built a successful social media account applying her principle of the gold standard to men. I thought about what was lacking for women and I have attempted to fill that void. Nothing too deep, just light hearted, good stuff for women. I launched this site today because I wanted to produce my own content and present great men to women.

“Women have a sensory reaction when they see a photo of a hot man. It’s the same idea as food porn or shoe porn. People are really enticed by it, and I think women get happy when they see a picture of a handsome man,” Gidick told Women’s Wear Daily:

“The word ‘porn’ is intense, and it makes women feel alienated sometimes. The word holds a lot of power, and I do admire a lot of feminists who think there should be another word used — I really respect that line of thought. But this word isn’t going away, so you have to redefine it and take ownership of the many definitions it can have,” she said emphatically.

WWD reports that the site will not just be photos of hot dudes but will also include stuff about women’s issues. When the White House PSA about sexual assault came out, Gidick posted shots of some of the men involved on the original Porn for Women Instagram account. On President Obama’s picture she wrote:

I’ve seen degrading photos of women and memes get more likes than this very important PSA from @whitehouse. Please go like this video on the @whitehouse insta. Spread the word. #1is2many

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