The Most Bombshell House Ever


If your name is Darian Darling, you have a glam lifestyle blog and you’re in Lady Gaga’s entourage, you better have a home that’s both glam and girly. And does she ever!

If you’ve ever read Darian’s blog, A Guide to Life For Modern Blondes, you know she inhabits the bombshell persona to the full! Indeed, if you’ve read the seminal text The Bombshell Manual of Style, you’ll see this is a textbook example of the bombshell boudoir, down to the counterpane.

The living room is based on an 80s nail salon. Nuff said.

She says she scavenged the Barbies from MAC display counters. (She’s a big Barbie enthusiast, so this is much less freaky than it would be for you or me.)

As a downtown fixture, entertainer and lover of Warhol superstar and trans icon Candy Darling (whom she resembles strikingly in more than, as she says on her blog, “all the obvious” ways), Darian takes her domestic duties seriously.

This means the elusive pink KitchenAid.

Darian’s Darling Glam Den [Apartment Therapy]

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