The 'Girls' Walking Tour of Brooklyn Is a Thing That Exists


Brooklyn is a borough brimming with young entrepreneurs, and by that I mean recent graduates who have been cut off from their parents and are frantically finding ways to fund their brunch addiction. One such bright young talent saw a lucrative opportunity in the very neighborhood they lived in: A Girls walking tour of Greenpoint, a Brooklyn neighborhood home to countless scenes of Hannah Horvath figuring out the meaning of life and also attempting to put money in her brunch fund. Full circle, man.

See where Hannah “whips up” cappuccinos! Tour some playground where Adam was sweaty that one time! Scare small children with your lomography camera as you pose on a Greenpoint bench pretending to be Jessa in your floppy, bohemian hat! (You’re so a Jessa, everyone says it.)

Lena Dunham posted the pic above on her Instagram commented “sign me uppp!!!” so it seems legit. We’ll keep you updated on whether or not the tour guides speak Australian, as they claim on this poster.

[Lena Dunham’s Instagram]

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