State Senator to Female Colleague: Women Are 'A Lesser Cut of Meat'


GOP State Senator Thomas Corbin reportedly attempted to bond with his female colleague—his only female colleague—by telling her that women are intrinsically, biblically inferior, or, as he put it, “a lesser cut of meat.” Just a little light joshing, you see.

The Libertarian blog Fits News is alleging that Corbin made the remarks at a legislative dinner held at a steakhouse in Columbia, South Carolina. He directed them at State Senator Katrina Shealey, also a Republican and the sole female member in the State Senate, with whom Fits reports he has a long-running, low-boil enmity that occasionally bubbles over into some real unstatesmanlike behavior. From Fits, which claims the following conversation was confirmed by “multiple witnesses:”

“I see it only took me two years to get you wearing shoes,” Corbin told Shealy, who was elected in 2012 as a petition candidate.
Wait … what?
By way of explanation, lawmakers and legislative staffers have previously told FITS about statements made by Corbin – statements reflecting his belief that women do not belong in the S.C. General Assembly and should instead be “at home baking cookies” or “barefoot and pregnant.”
“He makes comments like that all the time to everybody – including Senator Shealy,” one Senate staffer told FITS.
Corbin’s latest comments took his sexism to a whole new level, though.
At one point in the conversation – which quickly escalated into a confrontation – Shealy is said to have angrily asked Corbin where he “got off” attacking women.
His response – overheard by numerous lobbyists and fellow lawmakers – was one for the ages.
“Well, you know God created man first,” Corbin said, reportedly smirking at Shealy. “Then he took the rib out of man to make woman. And you know, a rib is a lesser cut of meat.”

Charming and professional, a legislative twofer you just don’t get very often. In fairness, we’re hearing about the remarks third-hand, and there’s no audio or video to confirm them. Fits or their sources could be making it up. Except, um, Shealy seems pissed:

I cannot think of a single solitary reason why more women wouldn’t jump at the chance to run for State Senate in such a welcoming environment.

Image via Shutterstock

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