Send Us Your College's Weird Sex Banners


It’s back to school time at many colleges and universities, which, for some reason, has come to mean that huge banners are being strung up outside houses occupied by college students, advertising sexual services for freshman women and their moms or “daughter daycare.” And then there’s new one we just received, also from Ohio State, advertising, proudly, “We’ll take what we can get.” Very ambitious, dudes.

Someone in the Columbus-based chapter of the group Everyday Sexism sent us the above photo, which they said was also taken near the OSU campus. It reads “We’ll take what we can get @59 Clit #Welcum2Cougartown” (“59 Clit” being a play on the name of the street.) Maybe this one is about having sex with women who aren’t freshmen? Having sex with literally anyone who might be into it? It’s good, I suppose, to be realistic.

Obviously, these banners aren’t policy news. They are merely “loutish and vulgar,” and by suggesting that their message is a touch creepy, we humorless outrage feminists at are literally calling the banners rape and demanding that the people who hung them be dragged into the street, set aflame with menstrually suggestive lighter fluid, then frogmarched into re-education camps where they will be distracted from the real political issues by a ceaseless forced viewing of Eve Ensler dress rehearsals. Obviously.

Anyway, we think these are weird and sad and telling, and if you’re seeing these banners on or near your own campus, send them our way. Once you’re done tearing your clothes off and steaming into the house to have sex with the obviously very hunky and good-at-intercourse banner-hangers, that is.

At Ohio State, the reaction hasn’t been universally positive; Everyday Sexism and several other tipsters also sent us a photo of this graffiti, reportedly painted on the side of the house that advertised “Daughter Daycare.”

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