Selfies Are Creating Younger Plastic Surgery Customers


There’s a boom in younger plastic surgery clients, and it’s probably because they’re taking pictures of themselves. Put the smartphones down, ladies.

A poll conducted by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery says that one in three facial plastic surgeons have seen a boost in procedure requests, thanks to patients seeing what they look like one (million) times too many. From Instagram to Twitter to Snapchat to Facebook, social media savvy folks are becoming more self-conscious about their looks and it’s not translating to Lupita headbands, but Meg Ryan rhinoplasty. Sad face.

“Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and the iPhone app, which are solely image based, force patients to hold a microscope up to their own image and often look at it with a more self-critical eye than ever before,” says Edward Farrior, MD, President of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. “These images are often the first impressions young people put out there to prospective friends, romantic interests and employers and our patients want to put their best face forward.”

Selfies also make it easier for kids to cyber bully one another, the AAFPRS press release notes, being that all it takes is a click and a few keystrokes to ruin someone’s self image. Still, as the great Katt Williams once said, you shouldn’t let others ruin our self-esteem — the word does begin with “self,” after all.

Image via Getty.

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