Scandal Teaser: Where on Earth Is Olivia Pope?

We’ve been blessed with cryptic Scandal teasers to analyze between now and September 25th. Lord knows that Shonda Rhimes loves a hashtagable tagline and this time around we’re getting Where On Earth Is Olivia Pope?

If you’ll remember, at the end of last season, Olivia and Jake Ballard, her sometimes/when it’s convenient boo, boarded a private jet to an unknown locale. Now, her beautiful DC apartment sits empty. The Pope & Associates office is abanadoned. Fitz pouts at his big Presidential desk like the sad puppy that he is while leaving Olivia with 22 missed calls, which is obviously always an attractive trait in a man. #whereonearthisoliviapope

So where is Olivia? Well, she’s on a tropical beach somewhere so that certainly narrows things down somewhat. She is kicking her feet up, putting the flat iron down and drinking red wine on a sandy beach which sounds very gross. Not down with that Olivia. But it’s nice to see that she gets to chill for a bit. Homegirl has had a lot going on.

We have also been graced with this Harrison-less cast photo thanks to TV Guide. Everyone is decked out in eveningwear for some Shonda Rhimesy mysterious reason. Mellie looks particularly fetching in a pink number and Quinn still looks annoying. Is it the second inaugural ball? Harrison’s funeral ? He was always a sharp dresser, perhaps this is in his honor? The junior prom? A wedding? #whereonearthisoliviapope #whereonearthisoliviapope #whereonearthisoliviapope #whereonearthisoliviapope

Image via TV Guide

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