Rielle Hunter Teaser: "Elizabeth Didn't Know The Truth."


Thanks(?) to ABC, the world has a chance to see a bit of the Rielle Hunter interview – her first – that airs on Thursday’s Oprah:

Rielle Hunter Teaser: "Elizabeth Didn't Know The Truth."
This image was lost some time after publication.

Although maddeningly brief, this is still more of Hunter than anyone’s seen so far – or, make that, heard, despite Radar

‘s claim that she’s "breaking her silence." Literally, it’s true! Anyway: Hunter, dressed in pink cashmere, does indeed drawl about "the facts," and indulges in a little light Elizabeth-blaming. Oprah, per usual, looks thoughtful and impassive. One can only presume there will be more of the same – and hopefully less about Edwards the "relentless lover" – in the full interview. According to Radar, "Hunter also told Oprah that she believes she did not play a central role in the break-up of the Edwards’ marriage." I guess we’ll all learn the truth tomorrow!VIDEO: Rielle Hunter Breaks Silence On John Edwards Affair [Radar]

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