Ray Rice Inspired Makeup Tutorial Is the Best Response to the NFL

Comedian Megan MacKay has come up with one of the best responses to the NFL and its completely shitty handling the domestic violence incident involving Ray Rice.

MacKay, a comedian who has produced videos in the past like “How to Hunt for a Husband,” demonstrates a special NFl/Rice-themed makeup tutorial. It would be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen if it still wasn’t impossible for me to laugh about this shit yet.

“The first step, as always, is foundation. I’m using a new shade that I just bought called ‘The NFL.’ I really like this color because it will cover up anything just to save face,” she starts out explaining.

“Your crease color is number 27 which is Ray Rice’s jersey number for the Baltimore Ravens or—former jersey number. So hard to get used to people getting fired for doing bad things!” she says. “The other color you’re going to be using is the number 25 which in the state of Maryland is the number of years you serve in prison for felony assault. You should be serving this! But we’re not gonna make you do it because you play football!”

The color of the eyeliner she uses is called “Women Are Objects and she advises you to draw a ring around your eyes like a wedding ring.

“When you put on a wedding ring, the guy can do anything he wants to you and it’s automatically your fault,” MacKay explains. “Say he knocked you out cold in an elevator and then everyone found out about it. And people started blaming you, because you put on the wedding ring, so you were kind of asking for it, you know?”

When applying your bronzer, “rub it in. Just rub it in the NFL’s face.” PERFECTION.

Watch it all the way through to the end because she’s a damn funny woman with a serious message.

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