Orange Is the New Black Paper Dolls for Your Litchfield Diorama


One of the best things about Orange Is the New Black is also one of the most frustrating. The show has so many great characters with such great and intricate back stories that it never feels like your particular favorite ever gets enough screen time. Ah, the infuriating beauty of a talented ensemble cast!

To cope, you have two options. First, you can patiently wait for the series’ second season and have faith that everyone will get their due screen time. Second, you can check out the artwork of Emily Niland, an illustrator who recently created a series of Orange Is the New Black paper dolls. (Here’s Chapman, Vause, Sofia and Watson for starters.) Thanks to Niland’s creations, you can create a Litchfield Prison of your very own and act out all of the inmate scenarios your heart desires.

Sadly, the artist has yet to make a Taystee doll, so my OITNB spinoff Taystee Delight (in which Taystee and Poussay solve mysteries à la Sherlock and Watson) remains — for the time being — stuck in my head.

Image via Emily Nyland Illustration.

[Emily Nyland]


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