Oh Look, Another Outlet for the Shenanigans of Tyra Banks


From the runways of tony fashion capitals to the wilds of numerous television networks, Tyra Banks has made it clear that the world is her oyster in which to flail around wildly, break open the shell, slurp up the globe-sized oyster, pretend to die from food poisoning, get back up within seconds to manically assure us that she’s just kidding, and top it off with a fiercely executed pratfall in a real I-meant-to-do-that (…or-did-she) moment. Kind of like this, but times infinity and a giant mollusk:

Anyway, the sequel to her 2000 Disney movie Life-Size, in which she plays a Barbie-esque doll made… life size, is imminent. Life-Size 2 will air December 2 on Freeform. Trailer’s above. It’s a lot. Imagine two hours of this. It’s going to be like rolling our brains in sugar and having them consumed slowly by Banks who has turned into a mollusk herself and can only eat your sugar brain in small bits through the mucus of her gills. Sounds like great fun. Here’s another preview that was released:

It seems like Lindsay Lohan, who starred alongside Banks in the original, will also appear, though in what capacity has not yet been revealed. “There’s something beautiful we do with Lindsay in this movie that’ll speak to die-hard fans,” Banks recently told EW. “I can’t say how, but you will see something!” What could possibly be better?

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