Normal People's Producers Demand Sex Scene Compilation Be Removed From Pornhub

Normal People's Producers Demand Sex Scene Compilation Be Removed From Pornhub

If you take away all of the uncomfortable throat-clearing, weeping and incredibly poor communication skills out of Hulu’s Normal People, what are you left with? Sex. Obviously. Lots and lots of sex.

So it was only a matter of time before someone cut all the dreary clothed parts from the series and put the rest on Pornhub, saving viewers the tedium of fast forwarding through all those boner-killing scenes of Marianne staring at bugs in the grass and Connell struggling to form whole sentences. But now, the show’s producers have demanded that Pornhub remove the 22-minute sex compilation, which truthfully I thought would be longer. Did they include the part where Connell is playing rugby in his tiny shorts? Because that should definitely count.

According to Variety,

Ed Guiney, executive producer of “Normal People” and co-founder of Element Pictures, tells Variety: “We’re hugely disappointed that excerpts from the series of ‘Normal People’ have been used in this way. It’s both a violation of copyright and more importantly, it’s deeply disrespectful to the actors involved and to the wider creative team.”
Guiney added: “We have taken appropriate steps to require that the content be removed from the platform with immediate effect.”

Pornhub did as it was told and removed the video from the site, saying that “Pornhub is fully compliant with the law. We respect all copyright requests and as soon as we become aware of the existence of these types of videos on our site, we have them removed.”

Variety notes that the compilation is still available on plenty of other sites, if you have the gumption to go looking. Otherwise, just do what the rest of us do and masturbate to the crying scenes too, like a normal person.

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