Miss America Clothing Line Empowers Little Girls With Pink Ruffles


Miss America is out to prove that it’s a force for positivity in girls’ lives…by introducing a line of children’s clothes, “Little Miss America.” Talk about a “vision of femininity”:

The line of girls’ clothing, which ranges in size from 4 to 7 and will be unveiled today at the International Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, will hit stores next spring. This marks new territory for Miss America Brands, the Ohio-based subsidiary of Air Waves Inc. According to WWD, the line will include “French terry hoodies, purses, rugby-striped polo dresses, bathrobes, ballet slippers and other styles retailing for less than $25.” Pictured shirts feature what appear to be princesses (or maybe just aspiring pageant royalty) and slogans like “Dream Big.” The palette “ranges from girl-approved hot pink and purple to patriotic hues of red, white and blue.”

And as opposed to all the other cheap, Lisa Frank-hued garb for the elementary-school set, the line, in the words of spokesmodel (and Miss America 2009) Katie Stam, is “providing inspiration as well.” In a video, she adds, “The idea is to help girls be proud of who they are and to celebrate their individuality.” (What this has to do with the highly conventional clothing in question is not clear – although a portion of proceeds will go towards the Miss America Organization Scholarship Fund.) Adds the company’s president, rather grandiosely, “The Miss America brand is iconic. Our clothing will live up to the strong values displayed by crown recipients throughout the years, especially empowerment, inner-beauty, integrity, goodwill and pride.”

Despite these claims, the clothes pictured look innocuous enough: pink and ruffled certainly, but a shade too demure for the sophisticated Noah Cyruses of the playground. But given that it seems to be a fairly craven ploy to attract the sort of mothers who haunt Toddlers in Tiaras loudly proclaiming their toddlers’ love of the spotlight, it hardly needs saying that these are some big dreams with a lot of baggage.

On the bright side, at least this endeavor doesn’t involve the Donald. Or swimsuits. Yet.

Dressing Up Miss America…
Miss America – 2009 Katie Stam Talks Fashion with MAB [Miss America Brands]
Miss America Brands Announces Launch Of Branded Apparel Line [Benziga]

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