Micro-Dose to Solve Your Problems


I was extremely unemployed before landing my last job, which of course led me to a weird California desert town where I found myself dosing on shrooms way too strong for my New York City self. If only I knew the secret to getting your shit together was simply micro-dosing!

As reported by USA Today, a new study has shown that consuming just the littlest bit of “magic mushroom” improves problem solving ability. Thirty-six people were asked to conduct small tasks whilst tripping subtle balls, and those who consumed just a smidgen were “more creative” and their “convergent thinking skills” improved.

Not only that, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA) apparently has given some psychiatrists the go-ahead to dose patients with mushrooms to “help depression,” to which I say—please give me their phone numbers!

Read more at USA Today or maybe just look really hard at a black light poster.

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