Mark Wahlberg Reportedly Earned $1.5 Million To Reshoot All the Money in the World Scenes, Michelle Williams Only $1000


Back in November, director Ridley Scott announced he would be reshooting scenes from his new film All the Money in the World in order to replace accused child molester Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer, to the enthusiastic approval of many. In December, the director affirmed to USA Today that all the actors involved in the reshoot, including Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams, were doing the reshoot out the goodness of their hearts and political convictions, for free. Here’s how that exchange went:

RIDLEY SCOTT: “The whole reshoot was — in normal terms was expensive but not as expensive as you think. Because all of them, everyone did it for nothing.”
USA TODAY: “Really?”
SCOTT: “No, I wouldn’t get paid, I refused to get paid.”
USA TODAY: “You didn’t pay the actors more to do it?”
SCOTT: “No, they all came in free. Christopher had to get paid. But Michelle, no. Me, no. I wouldn’t do that to — ”
USA TODAY: “The crew, of course, did get paid?”
SCOTT: “Of course.”

Yet on Tuesday USA Today reported that three sources familiar with the situation told them that Wahlberg was in fact paid $1.5 million to reshoot those scenes. His co-star, Williams, was reportedly paid less than $1000. In other words, Wahlberg got all the money in the world, and Williams got, like, a pretty lame stipend.

The Washington Post first reported at the end of November that Wahlberg was being paid $2 million for the reshoot, according to one source.

USA Today mentioned in its report that Williams and Wahlberg are both represented by the William Morris Endeavor agency.

Seeing as Wahlberg was Forbes’ highest-paid actor last year, with an income of $68 million before taxes, the $1.5 may not have seemed like such a big chunk of change to him, if the reports are accurate. The issue is that this is actually a lot of money, and absurdly more than Williams made, and, moreover, this wasn’t supposed to be another goddamn opportunity for a white guy to profit unjustly.

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