Joaquin Phoenix Curtsying to Prince William Is an Instant Classic

Joaquin Phoenix Curtsying to Prince William Is an Instant Classic

You know how some pop culture moments are immediately canonized within your own mind? Those snippets that embed themselves in your consciousness the moment you see them, and cause you immense delight when something triggers in your brain to make them reappear? This is how I feel about Joaquin Phoenix curtsying to Prince William. I’m going to do exactly this anytime I meet someone I follow on Twitter.

The Curtsy occurtsied after the Duke of Cambridge came over to introduce himself at the BAFTAs, where he then complimented Phoenix on his work in Joker, saying,I put it off and put it off watching it, as people kept telling me ‘be careful when you choose to watch it,’ but when I did it blew my mind, it was really good.”

According to the Daily Mail, good taste dictates that men are only required to perform a subtle head nod when being introduced to royalty, but I believe Phoenix did it on purpose because gender norms are extremely last decade, and should be subverted as subtly or not as we’d like. In the same vain, may I direct your attention to the scene in Little Women when Jo drops to one knee and presents Laurie with a ring? I’m waiting for the right moment to try this myself. (Yes, pretty things should be enjoyed, I’ll say, pressing a tater tot into an unsuspecting friend’s hand in a bar.)

Very nice compliment. Very nice curtsy.

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