Ina Garten's Best Friend Taylor Swift Cooks Her Recipes 'All the Time'

CelebritiesDirt Bag

At last night’s Time 100 gala, People chatted with Ina Garten about the piece Taylor Swift wrote about her for the Most Influential People issue.

“She’s incredibly busy and incredibly in-demand, that she’d take the time to write about me, it meant that she thought that we had a special relationship, which I feel we do. It’s nice. It was very nice.”

Nice! Good. Ina continued.

“She said she makes my mustard-roasted fish all the time, so that’s nice.”

You cannot call a friend ‘nice’ unless they write about you in Time’s 100 Most Influential People issue and/or make your recipe for mustard-roasted fish “all the time.” A person who does not do both of those things is not your friend. A person who does not do both of those things is your enemy.

[ People]

Speaking of weird celebrity friendships on full display at last night’s Time 100 gala, Martha Stewart hung out with Kim Kardashian. This isn’t completely bizarre, as Martha wrote Kim’s entry in the Time 100 last week, but it was fun to hear her divulge a little more about their relationship.

“I think Kim is amazing. She’s made a career — as a lot of celebrities have — of breaking into the lifestyle business. She’s got that part of me up her sleeve!”

Kim’s book of selfies isn’t exactly Martha’s book of one pot meals, but OK! Glad they’re friends.

[ Us Weekly]

Don’t think I’m finished with the celebrity friendships today! You know what other two famous people used to be friends? Russell Crowe and Michael Jackson! OK, maybe they weren’t friends friends, but they did talk to each other on the phone a lot! Or, at least one of them did the talking.

“I never met him. I never shook his hand or anything…But he would just call me every now and then, put on one of his funny voices, and then as soon as he kind of got concerned though, you know, he’d go, ‘oh, don’t worry, Russell. It’s only Michael.’’

It’s only Michael. It’s only Michael.

[ Daily Mail]

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Images via Getty.

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