Ina Garten Will Only Serve Donald Trump Under One Condition


Queen of Food Network, the Hamptons, and my heart, Ina Garten, finally let a little something about her politics slip after she recently explained why she doesn’t talk about them.

Eater reports that during a promo event for her new book, Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks, Garten was asked what she would serve up for notable political figures (emphasis mine):

Elizabeth Warren? “Lobster macaroni and cheese.”
Beto O’Rourke? “Pulled pork shoulder with maple beans, cornbread, and a kale salad.”
Joe Biden? “Something fun, like a lobster and clambake.”
Donald Trump? “A subpoena.”
The audience roared.

A juicy subpoena, store bought is fine.

True Ina Garten stans aren’t surprised by this, but it’s reassuring all the same. Thanks for inventing comedy, Ina!

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