Hot Gay Guys Chest-Bump On In Between Men


The new web series In Between Men chronicles the lives of young professional gay men living “between two societies.” It also appears to include lots of beefcake.

On its web site, the show bills itself thus:

In Between Men follows four friends in NYC who live “in between” a gay world, whose clichés they don’t relate to, and a straight world they don’t belong to. They are successful, professional men not defined by their sexuality. Through wild adventures, racy storylines, joys and pains, underscored by the pulse of New York City, In Between Men examines the relationships the men have between each other, their lovers, and the greater community.

It’s tempting to call this a gay male Sex and the City, though from the description it seems like the show aims to challenge some of the stereotypes sometimes present on SATC. The trailer doesn’t offer much in the way of exposition, but it does include plenty of thighlights:

In Between Men Trailer from Quincy Morris on Vimeo.

The dialogue in the first episode is a little stilted (“that pretty young coed wanted you to develop her film“), and showing gay dudes fighting, chest-bumping and calling each other “bro” may not be the most nuanced way to bust myths about the gay community. But its depiction of a hot bi dude is a good reminder, for those who still need it, that male sexuality can be fluid too. And while TV is doing a little better in this regard lately, it’s still good to see depictions of gay guys who aren’t desexualized best-friend types.

In Between Men [Official Site]

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