Getty Images Posts, Deletes, and Apologizes for World Cup 2018 'Sexiest Fans' Gallery


Sometimes you shoot for moon, miss, and land among the stars—where the stars are beautiful, beautiful ladies. Getty Images, bless her heart, attempted a gallery roundup of the 2018’s World Cup sexiest fans (an easy enough task; fútbol fans, much like the athletes, can be dreamboats) but failed to notice that it only included images of conventionally attractive women from round the globe. Uh-oh!

Listen, we’re human and humans are horny. You might even say we’re all horny humans. I get it. I love to look at sexy strangers, especially online, where they can’t look back. But this is 2018, and dumb-dumb oversights like these are going to inspire outrage. What did ya think would happen, Getty? Come on, man. Have you even been online?

The hottie gallery has since been deleted from Getty Images’ site, where it has been replaced with the following editor’s note:

Earlier, we published a piece, “World Cup 2018: The Sexiest Fans,” that did not meet our editorial standards. We regret the error and have removed the piece. There are many interesting stories to tell about the World Cup and we acknowledge this was not one of them.

I’m just surprised it got to the Tweet-and-delete stage, tbh:

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