Fetterman Raised $2 Million in Less Than 24 Hours After Oz’s Debate Abortion Comments

The campaign has also released an ad with Republican Mehmet Oz saying abortion decisions should be between “women, doctors, [and] local political leaders.”

Fetterman Raised $2 Million in Less Than 24 Hours After Oz’s Debate Abortion Comments
Screenshot:Twitter/John Fetterman (Fair Use)

During Tuesday night’s debate between former Lt. Governor John Fetterman (D) and TV doctor Mehmet Oz (R) for Pennsylvania’s open Senate seat, Oz made a comment that is already biting him in his designer-suit-covered ass.

Oz was trying to sound “reasonable” in his anti-abortion position by claiming he didn’t support a federal ban on the procedure. But then he shoved his entire foot in his mouth when he said decisions about abortion should be between “women, doctors, [and] local political leaders.” Hmm, local leaders like Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, who supports banning abortion at six weeks and charging people who get abortions with murder?

One video of the moment has now been viewed more than 5 million times on Twitter, and there are many similar ones circulating.

Fetterman himself responded to an abortion question by saying, “I believe abortion rights [are] a universal right for all women in America. I believe abortion is health care, and I believe that is a choice that belongs with each woman and her doctor.” He often says while campaigning that he wants to be the 51st senator to vote to codify the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law.

In a three-hour period after the debate, he raised more than $1 million, and by 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, that had increased to $2 million.

Fetterman’s campaign released an ad highlighting Oz’s comment on Wednesday morning. The ad, which ties Oz to Mastriano, will target women voters in suburban areas, according to a statement.

“Oz would let politicians like Doug Mastriano ban abortion without exceptions even in cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. Oz is too extreme for Pennsylvania,” says a voiceover in the ad.

“After months of trying to hide his extreme abortion position, Oz let it slip on the debate stage on Tuesday. Oz belongs nowhere near the U.S. Senate, and suburban voters across Pennsylvania will see just how out-of-touch Oz is on this issue,” Joe Calvello, a Fetterman campaign spokesman, said in a statement.

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