Existence of "Broetry" Heralds End of World


Do you have at least one of your hands down the front of your pants right now? Are you wearing plastic sandals? Do you have a sports themed tattoo and a picture of a stadium on your wall? Up top, bro. This broetry’s for you.

A new volume of poems, or “broems,” purports to introduce brodudes to poetry but minus all that lame, chick stuff.

Editor Brian McGackin explains that “broetry” is actually poetry for dudes.

“A lot of poets have broetic qualities,” he says. “Robert Frost liked baseball; he wrote about sports. His poetry was always very accessible. Even Shakespeare – Shakespeare was just writing about chicks.”

Interesting. Aren’t most things that people read written by dudes? Isn’t chick lit sequestered to the pink ghetto of the bookstore? Weren’t most educated people throughout history dudes, including poets? Who, pray tell, was the poetry for in every single of day in history leading up to this very day? Invisible people?

Brainhurting aside, I predict that bros from Broklahoma to Brohio will line up at their Broders store to purchase this book.

Yo, Bro! Belly Up To The Bar And Recite ‘Broetry’ [NPR]

Earlier Iterations of Broetry

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