Donald Trump To Reunite With Big Fan Megyn Kelly in January GOP Debate


In an effort to maintain the circus-like buffoonery that has thus far characterized the 2016 presidential debates, Fox news anchor Megyn Kelly has been slated to co-moderate the January 28 GOP debate in Des Moines, Iowa. By participating, she will ostensibly reunite with best friend and diaper rash baby bottom Donald Trump.

According to The Hill, Kelly, along with Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, “will return to moderating after handling the first GOP debate of the cycle in August, after which front-runner Donald Trump feuded with Kelly and the network for months, claiming unfair treatment.”

You may recall that during said feud, Trump made the especially gentlemanly comment that, during the debate, Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever.” Women, you see, cannot be trusted to think rationally because both their vaginas and emotions are insurmountable obstructions to reason.

More recently, Trump has referred to Kelly as the “most overrated anchor” and “very bad at math” to boot. From The Hill:

“Trump took issue with a segment in Kelly’s broadcast on [December 14], where she talked about ‘Trump getting good news’ in a national Monmouth University poll released [that day].
The graphic on the screen correctly said the poll found Trump with 41 percent support, a 27-point lead over his closest rival Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), but Kelly said he was ‘ahead of the pack 15 points.’”

As you might imagine, Trump immediately took to his favorite playground—Twitter—and offered his critique:

The Hill reports that “the criteria for the prime-time event have not yet been announced.” But don’t worry: no matter the content, Trump will find an opportunity to be the manbaby philistine he apparently strives to be.

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