Christine Blasey Ford Isn't Scared to Talk


I wish the president would shut his pie hole. Every day!

Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee’s power move to back Christine Blasey Ford into a corner may not work, as Ford seems open to testifying against Brett Kavanaugh next week, so long as the terms of such a hearing “are fair and which ensure her safety.” Your move, Grassley[New York Times]
  • Ron DeSantis’ campaign for Florida governor continues to be plagued by racist indiscretions; this time, a man who donated $20,000 to the Republican candidate also called former President Barack Obama a slur I will not reprint here. The supporter says he is “absolutely not” a racist, which, okay. [Politico]
  • One New Jersey jail in Bergen County with over 500 detained immigrants does not allow them to hug, let alone touch, their relatives. Sound dystopian, but it’s actually due to an old and arcane rule, which I think is worse. [WNYC]
  • Michael Flynn is probably going to jail, and he’ll find out for exactly how long in December. [The Guardian]
  • Michael Cohen has been getting grilled on Russia by Robert Mueller, which “could spell legal trouble” for Trump, which GOOD! That’s my opinion. [The Hill]
  • This does not make the Army look good. [Washington Post]
  • The new (Trump-appointed) head of a Justice Department agency that was created to understand why we send so many more black and brown kids to jail than white kids has been quietly undoing all the work that was done before her, cool!!! [The Marshall Project]
  • Arizona informed Southwest Key, which operates migrant-child shelters, that 13 such centers would have their licenses revoked; the state cites Southwest Key’s failure to produce proof it complied with employee background checks. Shelters in Mesa, Phoenix, and Tucson have had employees been accused of sexual abuse of minors. This is a sad story all around. [, CNN]
  • Trump appears to know absolutely nothing about the supply or the demand of oil, and continues to show his whole ass on the subject. I pray for us all. [NBC]

Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:

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