Cardi B Deletes Her Instagram in a Time of Turmoil and War (With Azealia Banks)

CelebritiesDirt Bag

Cardi B’s Instagram, the mighty force behind Cardi B’s meteoric rise, the application where the name “Cardi B” originated because “Bacardi” was taken, the zone for a former stripper from the Bronx being her unfiltered self which is why we love her, has been deleted. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Cardi!

Billboard says that it begun when Azealia Banks called Cardi B an “illiterate, untalented rat” and a “caricature of a black woman” partly because of her grammatical and spelling errors.

“Two years ago, the conversation surrounding black women’s culture was really reaching an all-time high,” Banks told The Breakfast Club on May 11th about Lemonade. “There was just this really, really, really intelligent conversation going on nationally and then everything just kind of changed and then it was like Cardi B.”

The fans took screengrabs. Cardi responded that “a woman who constantly finds joy in belittling black women (Beyonce, Rihanna, Skai Jackson, Remy Ma) cant try and stand for them because it’s convenient!”

She wrote in another post shared by The Shade Room:

I’m from the hood I speak how I speak I am how I am.I did not choose to be famous people chose me !People followed me on Instagram and the people gave me a platform to introduce my talent .I never asked to be an example or a role model I don’t want to change my ways because I’m famous that’s why I just mind my business .


Cardi B made her Twitter private and then opened it again.

A thoroughly R. Kelly response to extensive allegations of sexual assault and running a cult: asking a fan to rub his dick with a towel onstage and rubbing an attendee’s cell phone(??) “between his legs,” the Daily Mail reports. They have video.

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