Can We Not?



Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:

  • The weird fixation on every little aspect of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s life continues as CNBC calculates how much the 29-year-old congresswoman-elect should have in savings by now. Ocasio-Cortez has been very candid about her financial struggles, especially as she prepares to split her time between Washington and New York City. Ocasio-Cortez has $7,000 in savings, which is a reality for many of us who have been fucked by the economy for our entire adult lives, but still isn’t good enough, according to CNBC. “First, everyone needs an emergency fund with at least three to six months of living expenses. Ocasio-Cortez’s level of savings isn’t bad but, based on her previous earnings, experts recommend she have between $8,750 and $30,000 put away for a crisis.” Look, we’re all broke and in debt, let us fucking live. [CNBC]
  • Ruh roh: Sixteen Democrats signed a letter opposing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. [NBC]
  • Democrat incumbent Senator Bill Nelson conceded to Republican Rick Scott following the Florida recount. [Politico]
  • And speaking of that, Brenda Snipes has resigned as the supervisor for elections in Broward County. [CNN]
  • Energy Secretary Rick Perry loves flying his wife around the world with Texas campaign money! [San Antonio Express]
  • Democrats are filing a lawsuit to challenge Matt Whitaker’s appointment as acting attorney general. [CNN]
  • More on Trump’s whole Finland-rakes-their-leaves-and-that’s-why-there-are-no-fires-there” thing. [CNN]
  • Condolezza Rice isn’t ready to coach a football team. Uh…anyway. [NBC]
  • Here are some turkeys in a…fancy room.

Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:

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