Club Chalamet Seems to Have Survived Those Kylie-Timmy Rumors 

Anyone who follows Club Chalamet knows how much she disapproves of Timmy’s current relationship. So, when the pregnancy rumors began to swirl last week, I only had one concern. 

Club Chalamet Seems to Have Survived Those Kylie-Timmy Rumors 

The For You Page is a bi-weekly column by Alise Morales that will explore, inspect, traverse, sift through, and dive into internet culture. 

In a world where the words “stan Twitter” likely send a chill down the spine of any casual social media user, one stan account has risen above the fray as Twitter’s most beloved (and perplexing) stan. If you have no idea who I could possibly be talking about, allow me to introduce you to Club Chalamet, the preeminent Timotheé Chalamet stan account. Their social media features all things Timmy, from set photos of him filming the Bob Dylan biopic, to Wonka novelty hat availability updates, to a very impressive ability to weave Timmy into every holiday–including Earth Day. 

But unlike most stan accounts, many of which are run by teens, Club Chalemet is lovingly run by 57-year-old Simone Cromer. Cromer’s age has never actually been a secret, but most of the internet learned she wasn’t 15 in 2023, when she posted about nearly accepting a job at the World Trade Center in July 2001.

And anyone who follows Club Chalamet knows she’s been more than vocal about her distaste for Timmy’s current relationship (though that has not dulled her love for him personally). When news of their admittedly perplexing pairing first dropped alongside videos of them making out at a Beyoncé concert, Club Chalamet went–as the kids would say–all the way off. She quickly condemned the relationship and even dabbled in some genuinely conspiratorial thinking, at one point posting this theory on Instagram for how the two ended up together: 

“After months and months of gossip media bombardment, gossip speculations, ‘sources’ from the kajenner camp, her people stalking Timmy’s private residence, and his obvious avoidance of her, has finally paid off and had her primary objective met. Timothée has now played her hand and relented.”  

(Personally, I think their relationship is just a classic case of two hot young famous people meeting and wanting to bone, but who am I to get between a dedicated stan and the subject of her devotion?)

So when the Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet pregnancy rumors began to swirl last week I, like many others online, immediately had only one thought: Is Club Chalamet okay?

For background: the rumors started swirling on April 23rd, thanks to a post from the pop culture account @PopTingz claiming that Jenner was “rumored to be pregnant” with Timothée’s child. It seems they pulled it from an episode of The Tosh Show from early April where Daniel Tosh mentioned that he heard the Kardashians were filming a pregnancy reveal episode. But the rumors were quickly debunked, with Jenner’s camp confirming on April 25th that it was all false (and that she and Timmy were still dating long distance while he works on A Complete Unknown). But 48 hours is an eternity online, meaning it was more than enough time for the millions of jokes, speculation, and calls to check on Club Chalamet.

Luckily, Club Chalamet has been more than OK. She immediately clocked the news as fake, assuring fans that no ChalaJenner baby was imminent in a tweet which she’s since deleted, explaining: “I deleted some gossip related posts made earlier today because they are going viral and I’m tired of my posts being misused for the wrong type of entertainment. All is well though.” 

Then she went to see “Dune 2” for an eighth time. On May 1, she tweeted, “my follow count has skyrocketed, and that makes me cautiously curious, but I’ll take it.” I’m happy for her. 

So what is it about Club Chalamet that has catapulted her to the status of Internet’s Most Beloved Stan? While her age certainly plays a role, I think it has to do a lot more with the current cultural shift toward earnestness. In a world where young people seem hyper-focused on eschewing all things “cringe,” Club Chalamet’s account is a chronicle of the simple joys of just loving a thing, even if that “thing” is a 28-year-old actor, and whether or not that love makes sense to the general public or not. 

If Club Chalamet cares that people find her Timmy obsession strange, she certainly doesn’t show it. In fact, her obsession seems to only have enriched her life, as evidenced by these photos from her Call Me By Your Name-inspired trip to Northern Italy last year. 

Personally, I like the prospect of living in Club Chalamet’s world–a world where cringe is cool and everyone is free to be obsessed with whatever it is they want to be obsessed with so long as it isn’t hurting anyone. And if Timmy and Kylie ever do decide to mix their DNA to create the world’s most powerful nepo baby, I hope she knows that the entire internet will be standing at the ready to help her process the news. 

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